Tailslide is an open-source feature flag framework that makes code deployment easier and safer with circuit breaking capabilities and automatic failure recovery.
Tailslide Flag Dashboard
Tailslide Architecture
Tailslide consists of Tower, a full-stack app for flag and circuit management, NATS JetStream for fault tolerant real-time messaging, an SDK available in multiple languages, and Aerobat, a Node.js app which leverages a Redis TimeSeries cache to orchestrate circuit breaking functionality.
It includes a feature flag management system purpose-built for new feature deployment with granular control over rollout and developer whitelists.
The Tailslide flag dashboard
Flag Dashboard
Flags can be toggled or updated for instant changes within all Tailslide SDK instances. Configure rollout percentages, whitelist developers for dark launches, and keep track of historical changes.
Failure protection is implemented with a circuit breaker stability pattern, giving developers peace of mind with fully automated recovery.
The tailslide circuit dashboard
Circuit Dashboard
Get live updates on the health of any enabled circuit. Websockets and a Redis TimeSeries cache give developers a live look at error rates, request counts and the current state of a circuit as it recovers.
I built Tailslide as part of a remote team of software engineers. We authored a comprehensive case study discussing deployment strategies, framework architecture, and design decisions + trade-offs encountered during implementation. Please click below to get the full story.
Case Study

Other Projects

I.T — Helping to bring one of Asia's largest luxury fashion retailer to the digital age.
A tool to collect and debug webhooks (Node.js/Express, WebSockets, React, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
Found — Your radio. Live streaming sessions for music creators.
A kanban-style app for task/deadline management (Node.js/Express, MongoDB, React/Redux)
Space — A spatial canvas for curating your space on the internet.
A to-do tracker with user login/state and theming (Node.js/Express, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Pug)

About Me

Node.js, Express, Go, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Restful APIs, Webhooks, NATS

Javascript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS, Material UI, Chart.js, Prism,js, jQuery, Handlebars/Pug, WebSocket, React Router

Object-oriented Programming, Docker, Git/Github, HTTP, Axios, Redis, SSH, Server-sent Events, DigitalOcean, AWS, Figma, Jest, Adobe Suite, npm/yarn, Postman, EventSource, Heroku, Nginx, PM2
I’m a midwest-raised software engineer with a passion for anything well-designed and well-made. I attended Indiana University (go Hoosiers!) after which I spent a number of years living on both coasts before realizing Chicago was the best compromise between the two. During the nicer five to six months of the year I spend most of my time outside running, biking and swimming in the lake. The remainder are usually spent reading, staying warm and skiing when I can.

I'm currently looking for new opportunities, either remote or Chicago-based. I have a strong background in team collaboration, with time spent at start-ups and large corporations, within both domestic and international scope. I'm an excellent communicator and have a drive to take on new challenges.